Post by THE BOSS on Oct 26, 2007 21:00:55 GMT -5
1. You need to be an active player. Now before someone gets their knickers in a twist about defining "active", We believe that active should be defined as "at least once a week, for a measure of time to exceed 2 hours". This shows us that you at least get on and contribute. We fully understand that RL always takes priority over PS (or at least it should), and this shows that you are a part of the outfit. Of course, the more you are on, the better you will become (and be noticed).
2. You need to be an active contributor to the outfit and to the missions. Participating in squad/platoon missions and helping to make the mission happen are sure-fire ways of moving up in the ranks (eerily similar to real-life....). The lone-wolf gig is great for the lone-wolf privates. The real money is in strength of numbers and coordinated ass-kicking. 4 of us showed what we could do against the TR AND the NC at the Seth BD recently, mainly through coordination and cooperation.
3. For the officer ranks, you need to show that you have the ability to lead. That does not mean that you should be a tactical genius. Far from it. We mean that you should have a working knowledge of the game and be able to see "bigger picture" type details, i.e. why we should go somewhere, because 2 steps later, it will make the fight much more in our favor. However, the Zerg being what it is, we completely understand that is not always applicable. Understanding what makes an effective leader is key to being a leader, but not the only requirement. Respect for other team members is one of the most important tenets of leadership. If you can't value your teammates, you cannot lead them. Period. You can tell them where to go and what to do, but they will only do it if they want to follow you, not because of a title. Any fool can command, but only leaders can lead.
4. Followership is just as important as leadership. If you are not a Squad Leader in game, DO NOT try to lead the squad just because you are higher rank than the SL. That dog does not and will not hunt with us. Everyone deserves the chance to develop their abilities and they also deserve the chance to fail. If we do not make mistakes, then we do not learn. We have a tremendous amount of corporate knowledge at any given time, but let the leader lead, for good or bad. Suggestions and helpful inputs are great, and I love to see it, but sadly, we have been seeing a lot of "well, I know what is better, so just do what I think we should do, Squad Leader".
5. We have been asked if there is a pecking order for SL in-game. The answer is No. If you want SL, then send a /t to the SL and ask them (politely). Pulling rank has ZERO influence here. Deference to rank is, however, an admirable trait, but not a requirement. NON-OUTFIT MEMBERS WILL NEVER BE A SQUAD LEADER. If you are the last outfit member in the squad and you leave, change the Squad Name in the Squad Pane before you log. If I see another WangChungCN guy as an RP squad leader with no RP members in the squad, I am gonna scream.....
6. As a Rule of Thumb, I would think that 4,000-5,000 outfit points would make one eligible for Sergeant. Sergeant is a good rank to be able to start developing limited leadership abilities, especially for inexperienced players. We will always have exceptions, like those folks we recruit from other outfits, and others that will be handled on an individual basis. Sergeants should be focused on developing their toon's BR and their own abilities, not their CR. CR0-1 is where Sgts should be.
7. For Captain, a minimum of 10,000 OP would be required, as well as the demonstrated ability to lead on a small/mid sized level. Not just once, but on a sustained level. These are the folks who should be thinking about moving up from CR1 to CR 2-3. Since Captains also gain the ability to Outfit invite, I am sensitive to this rank, since we want to make sure we are representing our outfit properly, as well as inviting only those folks who we think have potential to excel. We can always kick if they don't cut the mustard, though. One requirement we would not bend on: No TS, No Officership. TS is mandatory for officers.
8. Colonel and higher is based on Senior Officer's review. At least 2 General Officers must agree to consider a request for a Colonelship. A minimum of 20,000+ OP, as well as a demonstrated grasp of small-unit tactics, are the minimum necessary requirements. Of highest importance, though, is the mental maturity and demeanor to be a senior member of the outfit. Conduct and bearing are important, since senior officers are expected to set the example. Let me make this clear: In-game jokes and general mucking about are not what I am talking about. I am talking about conflict resolution, interpersonal relationships, and respect for authority, and leadership/followership are what I mean. Don't be hurt if you are not selected. Some days it is more trouble than it is worth ;D
I apologize if this went on for a while, but I tend to get on my soap box, as it were, when I talk about things that are important. Everyone wants to do well and get promoted. We all want to be valued for our contributions, but unfortunately, sometimes it is not possible to promote everyone. There has to be a limit and a system, or we would have 190 Generals and no Privates. Imagine the carnage. I also am very conscious about the purges from a few months ago and I refuse to allow that to get out of hand again. We are making great progress, and my intent is to only get better. If you disagree with anything, send Timjin or Fish me a PM and we will discuss.